

Tierarzt-Diätfutter, auch Medizinalfutter genannt, dürfen nur bei gesundheitlichen Problemen auf Empfehlung eines Tierarztes gefüttert werden. Sie sind unterstützend zur tierärztlichen Behandlung. Die richtige Menge und der Zeitraum sind für die Gesundheit Ihrer Katze wichtig.

Im petplus Online-Shop mit Betreuung durch über 100 Schweizer Tierärzte finden Sie die passenden Tierarzt-Diätfutter, die nach neusten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen zusammengestellt sind.

Nicht nur Übergewicht bei Katzen kann mit der passenden Diät bekämpft werden. Diätfutter können beispielsweise Harnsteine bei Katzen auflösen (Urinary Diäten), Futtermittelallergien vermeiden (Hypoallergene Diäten) oder eine Durchfallbehandlung unterstützen (Gastro-Intestinal Diäten).


Calibra Calibra - Veterinary Diets (Tierarzt) Farmina Farmina - Vet Life (Tierarzt) Hill's Hill's - Prescription Diet (Tierarzt) Hill's - Vet Essentials Purina Purina - Pro Plan Veterinary Diets (Tierarzt) Royal Canin Royal Canin - Health Management Royal Canin - Dermatology Royal Canin - Gastrointestinal Tract Royal Canin - Urinary Royal Canin - Vital Support Royal Canin - Weight Management Royal Canin - Veterinary Diets (Tierarzt) Specific Specific - Diät Alleinfuttermittel (Tierarzt)
Allergie - Futtermittel Allergie - Umwelt Anorexie Diabetes Erholung Gehirnalterung Gelenkprobleme Harnwegserkrankung - Cystin Harnwegserkrankung - Oxalat Kristalle/Steine Harnwegserkrankung - Struvit Kristalle/Steine Harnwegserkrankung - Uratsteine Harnwegserkrankung - Stress Hautprobleme Herzprobleme Lebererkrankungen Magen-Darm-Störungen IBD - chronische Darmentzündung Exokrine Pankreasinsuffizienz Pankreatitis Mangelernährung / Sondenfütterung Nierenprobleme Schilddrüsenerkrankung Stressmanagement Tumor Übergewicht Verstopfung Zahnprobleme
Flüssig Nass/halbfeucht Trocken
getreidearm getreidefrei hydrolysiert Monoprotein Ethik-Label
Geflügel Huhn Ente Truthahn Rind Schwein Fisch Lachs Lamm Wild Ei Diverses
Kitten Welpe Junior Adult Senior
Aktuelle Spezialität
  1. Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline & Canine Recovery Dose


    Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline & Canine Recovery Dose

    21.20 CHF

  2. Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Diabetes Dose


    Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Diabetes Dose

    18.10 CHF

  3. Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Gastrointestinal & Pancreas


    Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Gastrointestinal & Pancreas

    26.65 CHF

  4. Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Gastrointestinal Dose


    Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Gastrointestinal Dose

    17.10 CHF

  5. Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Hypoallergenic Ente Dose


    Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Hypoallergenic Ente Dose

    19.90 CHF

  6. Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Hypoallergenic Tuna Dose


    Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Hypoallergenic Tuna Dose

    19.90 CHF

  7. Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Renal Dose


    Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Renal Dose

    17.10 CHF

  8. Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Renal/Cardiac


    Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Renal/Cardiac

    27.60 CHF

  9. Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Struvite


    Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Struvite

    24.15 CHF

  10. Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Struvite Dose


    Calibra - Veterinary Diets - Feline Struvite Dose

    17.10 CHF

  11. Calibra Veterinary Diets - Feline Diabetes


    Calibra Veterinary Diets - Feline Diabetes

    23.10 CHF

  12. Dermatology - Anallergenic Cat

    Royal Canin

    Dermatology - Anallergenic Cat

    46.40 CHF

  13. Dermatology - Hypoallergenic Cat

    Royal Canin

    Dermatology - Hypoallergenic Cat

    9.60 CHF

  14. Dermatology - Sensitivity Control Cat

    Royal Canin

    Dermatology - Sensitivity Control Cat

    9.40 CHF

  15. Dermatology - Sensitivity Control S/O Cat Huhn Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Dermatology - Sensitivity Control S/O Cat Huhn Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    99.45 CHF

  16. Dermatology - Skin & Coat Cat

    Royal Canin

    Dermatology - Skin & Coat Cat

    32.90 CHF

  17. Dermatology - Skin & Coat Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Dermatology - Skin & Coat Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    99.45 CHF

  18. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Convalescence Dose


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Convalescence Dose

    25.80 CHF

  19. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Diabetic


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Diabetic

    32.95 CHF

  20. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Diabetic Dose


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Diabetic Dose

    23.75 CHF

  21. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Gastrointestinal


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Gastrointestinal

    8.25 CHF

  22. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Gastrointestinal Dose


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Gastrointestinal Dose

    23.75 CHF

  23. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Hepatic


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Hepatic

    32.95 CHF

  24. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Hepatic Dose


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Hepatic Dose

    23.75 CHF

  1. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Hypoallergenic Schwein & Kartoffeln


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Hypoallergenic Schwein & Kartoffeln

    8.65 CHF

  2. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Hypoallergenic Schwein & Kartoffeln Dose


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Hypoallergenic Schwein & Kartoffeln Dose

    23.75 CHF

  3. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Obesity


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Obesity

    32.95 CHF

  4. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Obesity Dose


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Obesity Dose

    23.75 CHF

  5. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Renal


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Renal

    8.25 CHF

  6. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Renal Dose


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Renal Dose

    23.75 CHF

  7. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Struvite


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Struvite

    32.95 CHF

  8. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Struvite Dose


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Struvite Dose

    23.75 CHF

  9. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Struvite Management


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Struvite Management

    29.35 CHF

  10. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Struvite Management Dose


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult Struvite Management Dose

    23.75 CHF

  11. Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult UltraHypo


    Farmina - Vet Life Feline Adult UltraHypo

    35.65 CHF

  12. Gastrointestinal Tract - Fibre Response Cat

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Fibre Response Cat

    39.30 CHF

  13. Gastrointestinal Tract - Fibre Response Cat Beutel (Chunks in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Fibre Response Cat Beutel (Chunks in Gravy)

    88.50 CHF

  14. Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Cat

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Cat

    9.40 CHF

  15. Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    88.45 CHF

  16. Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Kitten

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Kitten

    9.40 CHF

  17. Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Kitten Dose (Ultra soft Mousse)

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Kitten Dose (Ultra soft Mousse)

    54.30 CHF

  18. Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Moderate Calorie Cat

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Moderate Calorie Cat

    39.20 CHF

  19. Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Moderate Calorie Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Gastro Intestinal Moderate Calorie Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    87.95 CHF

  20. Gastrointestinal Tract - Hairball Cat

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Hairball Cat

    8.20 CHF

  21. Gastrointestinal Tract - Hepatic Cat

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Hepatic Cat

    40.30 CHF

  22. Gastrointestinal Tract - Recovery Cats/Dogs Dose (Ultras soft Mousse)

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Recovery Cats/Dogs Dose (Ultras soft Mousse)

    52.65 CHF

  23. Gastrointestinal Tract - Recovery Liquid Cats/Dogs

    Royal Canin

    Gastrointestinal Tract - Recovery Liquid Cats/Dogs

    16.75 CHF

  24. Health Management - Expert Pill Assist Cat

    Royal Canin

    Health Management - Expert Pill Assist Cat

    16.95 CHF

  1. Presciption Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Ragout Huhn & Gemüse Dose


    Presciption Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Ragout Huhn & Gemüse Dose

    56.40 CHF

  2. Presciption Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Ragout Thun & Gemüse Dose


    Presciption Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Ragout Thun & Gemüse Dose

    56.40 CHF

  3. Prescription Diet - Canine und Feline a/d Urgent Care Huhn Dose


    Prescription Diet - Canine und Feline a/d Urgent Care Huhn Dose

    58.90 CHF

  4. Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care + Metabolic Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care + Metabolic Huhn

    36.80 CHF

  5. Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care + Metabolic Huhn Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care + Metabolic Huhn Beutel

    24.50 CHF

  6. Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Huhn

    31.50 CHF

  7. Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Huhn Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Huhn Beutel

    22.80 CHF

  8. Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Lachs Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Lachs Beutel

    22.80 CHF

  9. Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Meersesfisch


    Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Stress Urinary Care Meersesfisch

    110.90 CHF

  10. Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Urinary Care Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Urinary Care Huhn

    29.70 CHF

  11. Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Urinary Care Huhn Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Urinary Care Huhn Beutel

    22.50 CHF

  12. Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Urinary Care Lachs Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Urinary Care Lachs Beutel

    22.50 CHF

  13. Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Urinary Care Ragout Huhn & Gemüse Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Urinary Care Ragout Huhn & Gemüse Dose

    56.50 CHF

  14. Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Urinary feingehackt Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline c/d Multicare Urinary feingehackt Dose

    85.90 CHF

  15. Prescription Diet - Feline d/d Food Sensitivities Ente & grüne Erbsen


    Prescription Diet - Feline d/d Food Sensitivities Ente & grüne Erbsen

    31.90 CHF

  16. Prescription Diet - Feline Gastrointestinal Biome Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline Gastrointestinal Biome Huhn

    33.80 CHF

  17. Prescription Diet - Feline Gastrointestinal Biome Huhn Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline Gastrointestinal Biome Huhn Beutel

    25.80 CHF

  18. Prescription Diet - Feline Gastrointestinal Biome Ragout Huhn Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline Gastrointestinal Biome Ragout Huhn Dose

    62.60 CHF

  19. Prescription Diet - Feline Gastrointestinal Biome Stress Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline Gastrointestinal Biome Stress Huhn

    36.40 CHF

  20. Prescription Diet - Feline Gastrointestinal Biome Stress Ragout Huhn Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline Gastrointestinal Biome Stress Ragout Huhn Dose

    65.40 CHF

  21. Prescription Diet - Feline i/d Digestive Care Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline i/d Digestive Care Huhn

    32.90 CHF

  22. Prescription Diet - Feline i/d Digestive Care Huhn Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline i/d Digestive Care Huhn Beutel

    24.80 CHF

  23. Prescription Diet - Feline i/d Digestive Care Huhn feingehackt Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline i/d Digestive Care Huhn feingehackt Dose

    37.90 CHF

  24. Prescription Diet - Feline i/d Digestive Care Lachs Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline i/d Digestive Care Lachs Beutel

    24.80 CHF

  1. Prescription Diet - Feline i/d Digestive Care Ragout Huhn & Gemüse Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline i/d Digestive Care Ragout Huhn & Gemüse Dose

    55.70 CHF

  2. Prescription Diet - Feline j/d Joint Care Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline j/d Joint Care Huhn

    35.90 CHF

  3. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d + Mobility Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d + Mobility Huhn

    33.50 CHF

  4. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d + Mobility Huhn Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d + Mobility Huhn Beutel

    24.80 CHF

  5. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Early Stage Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Early Stage Huhn

    52.90 CHF

  6. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Early Stage Huhn Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Early Stage Huhn Beutel

    23.40 CHF

  7. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care feingehackt mit Huhn Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care feingehackt mit Huhn Dose

    72.90 CHF

  8. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Huhn

    31.80 CHF

  9. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Huhn Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Huhn Beutel

    23.80 CHF

  10. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Lachs Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Lachs Beutel

    23.80 CHF

  11. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Mixed Case Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Mixed Case Beutel

    19.80 CHF

  12. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Ragout Huhn & Gemüse Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Ragout Huhn & Gemüse Dose

    56.90 CHF

  13. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Ragout Thunfisch Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Ragout Thunfisch Dose

    51.50 CHF

  14. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Rind Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Rind Beutel

    23.80 CHF

  15. Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Thunfisch


    Prescription Diet - Feline k/d Kidney Care Thunfisch

    31.80 CHF

  16. Prescription Diet - Feline l/d Liver Care Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline l/d Liver Care Huhn

    32.80 CHF

  17. Prescription Diet - Feline m/d Diabetes/Weight Management Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline m/d Diabetes/Weight Management Beutel

    23.40 CHF

  18. Prescription Diet - Feline m/d Diabetes/Weight Management Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline m/d Diabetes/Weight Management Dose

    68.90 CHF

  19. Prescription Diet - Feline m/d Diabetes/Weight Management Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline m/d Diabetes/Weight Management Huhn

    30.50 CHF

  20. Prescription Diet - Feline Metabolic Weight Management Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline Metabolic Weight Management Dose

    72.90 CHF

  21. Prescription Diet - Feline Metabolic Weight Management Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline Metabolic Weight Management Huhn

    29.90 CHF

  22. Prescription Diet - Feline Metabolic Weight Management Huhn Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline Metabolic Weight Management Huhn Beutel

    22.50 CHF

  23. Prescription Diet - Feline Metabolic Weight Management Ragout Huhn & Gemüse Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline Metabolic Weight Management Ragout Huhn & Gemüse Dose

    54.90 CHF

  24. Prescription Diet - Feline Metabolic Weight Management Thunfisch


    Prescription Diet - Feline Metabolic Weight Management Thunfisch

    30.50 CHF

  1. Prescription Diet - Feline ON-CARE


    Prescription Diet - Feline ON-CARE

    42.90 CHF

  2. Prescription Diet - Feline ON-CARE Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline ON-CARE Dose

    73.50 CHF

  3. Prescription Diet - Feline r/d Weight Reduction Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline r/d Weight Reduction Huhn

    28.50 CHF

  4. Prescription Diet - Feline s/d Urinary Care Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline s/d Urinary Care Huhn

    29.70 CHF

  5. Prescription Diet - Feline s/d Urinary Care Huhn Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline s/d Urinary Care Huhn Beutel

    24.80 CHF

  6. Prescription Diet - Feline t/d Dental Care Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline t/d Dental Care Huhn

    32.80 CHF

  7. Prescription Diet - Feline w/d Multi-Benefit Huhn


    Prescription Diet - Feline w/d Multi-Benefit Huhn

    30.90 CHF

  8. Prescription Diet - Feline w/d Multi-Benefit Huhn Beutel


    Prescription Diet - Feline w/d Multi-Benefit Huhn Beutel

    23.40 CHF

  9. Prescription Diet - Feline w/d Multi-Benefit Huhn Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline w/d Multi-Benefit Huhn Dose

    69.90 CHF

  10. Prescription Diet - Feline y/d Thyroid Care


    Prescription Diet - Feline y/d Thyroid Care

    32.50 CHF

  11. Prescription Diet - Feline y/d Thyroid Care Huhn Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline y/d Thyroid Care Huhn Dose

    72.50 CHF

  12. Prescription Diet - Feline z/d Food Sensitives


    Prescription Diet - Feline z/d Food Sensitives

    32.80 CHF

  13. Prescription Diet - Feline z/d Food Sensitives Dose


    Prescription Diet - Feline z/d Food Sensitives Dose

    73.50 CHF

  14. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets CN Convalescence Cat+Dog Mousse Dose


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets CN Convalescence Cat+Dog Mousse Dose

    93.35 CHF

  15. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE DM St/Ox Diabetes Management


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE DM St/Ox Diabetes Management

    25.20 CHF

  16. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE DM St/Ox Diabetes Management Rind Beutel


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE DM St/Ox Diabetes Management Rind Beutel

    17.95 CHF

  17. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE EN St/Ox Gastroenteric


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE EN St/Ox Gastroenteric

    31.10 CHF

  18. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE EN St/Ox Gastroenteric Huhn Beutel


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE EN St/Ox Gastroenteric Huhn Beutel

    17.95 CHF

  19. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE EN St/Ox Gastroenteric Lachs Beutel


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE EN St/Ox Gastroenteric Lachs Beutel

    17.95 CHF

  20. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE EN St/Ox Gastroenteric Mousse Dose


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE EN St/Ox Gastroenteric Mousse Dose

    93.35 CHF

  21. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE HA St/Ox Hypoallergenic


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE HA St/Ox Hypoallergenic

    25.20 CHF

  22. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE HC Hydra Care Beutel


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE HC Hydra Care Beutel

    16.45 CHF

  23. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Advance Care


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Advance Care

    29.85 CHF

  24. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Advanced Care Huhn Beutel


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Advanced Care Huhn Beutel

    17.85 CHF

  1. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Advanced Care Lachs Beutel


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Advanced Care Lachs Beutel

    17.85 CHF

  2. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Advanced Care Mousse Dose


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Advanced Care Mousse Dose

    62.75 CHF

  3. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Early Care


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Early Care

    29.85 CHF

  4. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Early Care Huhn Beutel


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE NF Renal Function Early Care Huhn Beutel

    17.85 CHF

  5. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE OM St/Ox Obesity Management


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE OM St/Ox Obesity Management

    23.40 CHF

  6. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE OM St/Ox Obesity Management Beutel


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE OM St/Ox Obesity Management Beutel

    17.85 CHF

  7. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE UR St/Ox Urinary Huhn


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE UR St/Ox Urinary Huhn

    29.85 CHF

  8. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE UR St/Ox Urinary Huhn Beutel


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE UR St/Ox Urinary Huhn Beutel

    17.95 CHF

  9. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE UR St/Ox Urinary Lachs Beutel


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE UR St/Ox Urinary Lachs Beutel

    17.95 CHF

  10. Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE UR St/Ox Urinary Truthahn Mousse Dose


    Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FELINE UR St/Ox Urinary Truthahn Mousse Dose

    92.85 CHF

  11. Specific - F/C-IN-L (Cat & Dog) Dose


    Specific - F/C-IN-L (Cat & Dog) Dose

    68.40 CHF

  12. Specific - F/C-IN-W Intensive Support (Cat & Dog) Schalen


    Specific - F/C-IN-W Intensive Support (Cat & Dog) Schalen

    17.10 CHF

  13. Specific - FCD Crystal Management Cat


    Specific - FCD Crystal Management Cat

    35.20 CHF

  14. Specific - FCD-L Crystal Management Light Cat


    Specific - FCD-L Crystal Management Light Cat

    36.10 CHF

  15. Specific - FCW Crystal Management Cat Schalen


    Specific - FCW Crystal Management Cat Schalen

    16.30 CHF

  16. Specific - FCW-P Crystal Management Cat Beutel


    Specific - FCW-P Crystal Management Cat Beutel

    24.80 CHF

  17. Specific - FDD-HY Food Allergy Management Cat


    Specific - FDD-HY Food Allergy Management Cat

    39.85 CHF

  18. Specific - FDW Food Allergy Management Cat Schalen


    Specific - FDW Food Allergy Management Cat Schalen

    16.40 CHF

  19. Specific - FED-DM Endocrine Support Diabetes Cat


    Specific - FED-DM Endocrine Support Diabetes Cat

    47.25 CHF

  20. Specific - FEW-DM Endocrine Support Diabetes Cat Schalen


    Specific - FEW-DM Endocrine Support Diabetes Cat Schalen

    18.60 CHF

  21. Specific - FID Digestive Support Cat


    Specific - FID Digestive Support Cat

    36.75 CHF

  22. Specific - FIW Digestive Support Cat Schalen


    Specific - FIW Digestive Support Cat Schalen

    18.30 CHF

  23. Specific - FJD Joint Support Cat


    Specific - FJD Joint Support Cat

    36.75 CHF

  24. Specific - FJW Joint Support Cat Schalen


    Specific - FJW Joint Support Cat Schalen

    16.40 CHF

  1. Specific - FKD Kidney Support Cat


    Specific - FKD Kidney Support Cat

    37.05 CHF

  2. Specific - FKW Kidney Support Cat Schalen


    Specific - FKW Kidney Support Cat Schalen

    16.40 CHF

  3. Specific - FKW-P Kidney Support Cat Beutel


    Specific - FKW-P Kidney Support Cat Beutel

    24.80 CHF

  4. Specific - FOD Skin Function Support Cat


    Specific - FOD Skin Function Support Cat

    38.20 CHF

  5. Specific - FOD-HY Allergy Management Plus Cat


    Specific - FOD-HY Allergy Management Plus Cat

    41.85 CHF

  6. Specific - FOW-HY Allergy Management Plus Cat Schalen


    Specific - FOW-HY Allergy Management Plus Cat Schalen

    18.05 CHF

  7. Specific - FRD Weight Reduction Cat


    Specific - FRD Weight Reduction Cat

    30.50 CHF

  8. Specific - FRW Weight Reduction Cat Schalen


    Specific - FRW Weight Reduction Cat Schalen

    16.40 CHF

  9. Specific - FSW Struvite Dissolution Cat Schalen


    Specific - FSW Struvite Dissolution Cat Schalen

    16.40 CHF

  10. Urinary - Urinary S/O Cat

    Royal Canin

    Urinary - Urinary S/O Cat

    31.70 CHF

  11. Urinary - Urinary S/O Cat Beutel (Loaf/Mousse)

    Royal Canin

    Urinary - Urinary S/O Cat Beutel (Loaf/Mousse)

    88.75 CHF

  12. Urinary - Urinary S/O Cat Beutel (Morsels in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Urinary - Urinary S/O Cat Beutel (Morsels in Gravy)

    88.75 CHF

  13. Urinary - Urinary S/O Moderate Calories Cat

    Royal Canin

    Urinary - Urinary S/O Moderate Calories Cat

    34.20 CHF

  14. Urinary - Urinary S/O Moderate Calories Cat Beutel (Morsels in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Urinary - Urinary S/O Moderate Calories Cat Beutel (Morsels in Gravy)

    87.95 CHF

  15. Vet Essentials - Multi-Benefit - Feline Mature 7+ Huhn Beutel


    Vet Essentials - Multi-Benefit - Feline Mature 7+ Huhn Beutel

    23.40 CHF

  16. Vet Essentials - Multi-Benefit - Kitten Huhn


    Vet Essentials - Multi-Benefit - Kitten Huhn

    24.80 CHF

  17. Vet Essentials - Multi-Benefit - Kitten Huhn Beutel


    Vet Essentials - Multi-Benefit - Kitten Huhn Beutel

    21.90 CHF

  18. Vital Support - Early Renal Cat

    Royal Canin

    Vital Support - Early Renal Cat

    8.20 CHF

  19. Vital Support - Early Renal Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Vital Support - Early Renal Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    92.75 CHF

  20. Vital Support - Mobility Cat

    Royal Canin

    Vital Support - Mobility Cat

    39.30 CHF

  21. Vital Support - Renal Cat

    Royal Canin

    Vital Support - Renal Cat

    9.40 CHF

  22. Vital Support - Renal Cat Beutel (Loaf/Mousse)

    Royal Canin

    Vital Support - Renal Cat Beutel (Loaf/Mousse)

    92.75 CHF

  23. Vital Support - Renal Liquid Cat

    Royal Canin

    Vital Support - Renal Liquid Cat

    23.50 CHF

  24. Vital Support - Renal Select Cat

    Royal Canin

    Vital Support - Renal Select Cat

    9.40 CHF

  1. Vital Support - Renal Special Cat

    Royal Canin

    Vital Support - Renal Special Cat

    9.40 CHF

  2. Vital Support - Renal with Beef Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Vital Support - Renal with Beef Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    92.75 CHF

  3. Vital Support - Renal with Chicken Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Vital Support - Renal with Chicken Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    92.75 CHF

  4. Vital Support - Renal with Tuna Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Vital Support - Renal with Tuna Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    92.75 CHF

  5. Weight Management - Diabetic Cat

    Royal Canin

    Weight Management - Diabetic Cat

    33.55 CHF

  6. Weight Management - Diabetic Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Weight Management - Diabetic Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    88.45 CHF

  7. Weight Management - Satiety Weight Management Cat

    Royal Canin

    Weight Management - Satiety Weight Management Cat

    9.60 CHF

  8. Weight Management - Satiety Weight Management Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    Royal Canin

    Weight Management - Satiety Weight Management Cat Beutel (Thin Slices in Gravy)

    88.45 CHF

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